
Reinventing Educators and Education K-University

WHAT DOES STOA MEAN? In ancient Greece a STOA was a covered walkway, such as a porch, for citizens to meet and exchange ideas. Myth-makers mingled with philosophers. Poets harangued politicians. Dramatists presented scene sketches with actors. Musicians debuted their latest creations. Lawyers solicited clients. Candidates campaigned. All were welcome without malice or oppression. It was the Golden Age of Western Civilization and the cradle of Classical education. Thanks to Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas, the unfettered exchange of ideas on Language, Rhetoric, and Logic (the Trivium) were the very first courses and any educated student was taught. Once a student was fluent in the grammar, syntax, and diction of their language, then they studied Geometry, Arithmetic, Astronomy and Music (the Quadrivium). Our word 'education' grew from these roots. From the Latin verb educo, educere, educti, eductus. It does not mean 'indoctrinate' as it does today. Rather it means 'to lead out', to bring forth, to bring up'.
In the 12th Century, the combination of the Trivium and the Quadrivium formed the core curriculum for the first western universities, The University of Bologna and the University of Paris respectively. From then until just after the Second World War, this was what was meant by The Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Because you landed on this site, there's no need to recapitulate the post WWII hijack of American education by the Marxist descendants of the 1930's Frankfort School of Marxist Thought as documented by the scholarly work of Sir Roger Scruton in FOOLS, FRAUDS AND FIREBRANDS: Thinkers of the New Left.

STOA Institute is a free portal-hub of the necessary and sufficient resources enabling parents, students, faculty, tutors, legislators, jurists, and media to facilitate creating new schools free from the politics of public education regulation, tax-funding, and teacher unions.

So, let us begin with Ron Capshaw's National Review review of Sir Roger Scruton's epic work on the communist takeover of Western Culture with emphasis on sabotaging tradition.

Professor Mark McIntire, STOA Institute Executive Director

AA, BA, MA, Philosophy: The Catholic University of America 1967

  • Westfield State University 1967 - 1973

  • Antioch University 1995 - 1997

  • University of Phoenix 2001 - 2005

  • Santa Barbara City College 1995 - 2018

  • MINDS THAT MATTER, host KZSB AM 1290 1998 - 2018

  • FREEDOM MATTERS, host TVSB Channel 17 2015 - 2018


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